BE SURE TO BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK TO CLASS!! Anthem, by Ayn RandTask One: Read Anthem, by Ayn Rand.
Task Two: Come up with some creative project that illustrates the student's clear understanding of characters and theme. TRADITIONAL BOOK REPORTS ARE FORBIDDEN AND WILL EARN THE STUDENT A GRADE OF ZERO. These will be presented to the class the first week of school and will give me a good sense of each student's potential and ability in our unusual class. Stuck? Confused? Try searching "alternative book reports" for ideas. Due date: Thursday, August 17, 2017 (may drop off during Cohort Initiation Camp on Friday, August 11) Email [email protected] for help! Hello, Students! I am with Lillie, Meg, Jahde, Tori, Abbi Green, and some other students in Paris by now. While you're sitting there being immensely jealous (join us next year for the Italy/Greece trip!), select from the following tasks to complete by the end of this week:
Today's Assignments (ask a friend to log you in if there are issues):
See you on Friday! Love, Lowther Hello, Students! I am with Caroline H. for the state Poetry Out Loud finals; be sure to send her good vibes as she represents GRC today as a former Cohort member and all-around awesome person!
Today's Assignments (ask a friend to log you in if there are issues):
See you at rehearsals! One week until our first school show! Love, Lowther Hello, Students!
I am at the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education conference today and tomorrow, learning about interesting ways to teach you, and other amazing students like you! Please read over the following directions, and give Mrs. Baumgardner all the respect she truly deserves. She'll be taking over for Mrs. Wilson once the baby comes, so art students will get to know her well. See you at rehearsals! --Lowther
Reminder of "Scarlet Ibis" Essay Prompts:
November was a crazy month! Students worked on the National Novel Writing Month project, and most reached the 15,000 word count goal, and wrote their first novel in only one month! Big congratulations go out to Alex, Ben, Bethany, Charli, Des, Emily, India (the first one to win!), Maxwell, Noah, and SJ for winning this year!
We will be working on our novels throughout the rest of the year, in conjunction with our other classroom projects, so this isn't the last you've heard about NaNoWriMo! Items Due Today: Prong folder with student's name and novel title. Due Next Class: Independent Study Novel Summary Charts. 10% if not submitted tomorrow. Due Tuesday, 12/13: Vocab squares for the following words: pious, scrupulous, attrition, edification, ablution, elocution, writhe, pedestrian, carrion, pinion, kismet, deploy, cavlier, egg (verb), mete, nullify. Use the Quizlet to help. Yesterday's Bellringer: In your notebook, respond to the following prompt:
What we did today: Shared out "The Motorcycle" prompt; received new vocab list and assignment. What we did yesterday: "The Motorcycle" prompt (described above); scheduled 2017-2018 with Mrs. Mink, freshman counselor. Skills: Creativity; independent thought; grammar and syntax; plot structure. ELA Common Core Standards covered:
Items Due Today: Independent Study Novel--bring to class daily!
Due Next Class: Nothing is due tomorrow, except daily Reading Log, completely due Wednesday, 10/26. I will spot check, so be sure to bring your Reading Log daily. Future Due Dates:
Yesterday's Bellringer: On a Post-It note, write a quick, encouraging note to one of your classmates. You won't know who receives your kind note, so make it general, but do sign it with your name. What we did today: Broke up into Independent Study Novel groups to divide up the book into approximately 14 equal portions; make master list with group members' names, due dates, and page numbers to submit to Lowther; learn about and decide upon group alternative book report project. What we did yesterday: Discussed Reading Log expectations and due dates; began literary devices in Interactive Notebooks via Into the Woods. What we did recently: Worked in the computer lab to continue/finish writing Storytelling Essay/begin short story geared toward children; learned annotation techniques; art freewrite (Sleeping Gypsy); recitation and discussion of 1st quatrain of Tao Te Ching, and relation to theme of "The Marks of the Wise Man..."; began "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost; selected Independent Study Novels and groups; began literary devices via Into the Woods. Skills: Annotation and literary analysis; creativity; recall/memorization; independent thought ELA Common Core Standards covered:
National Arts Standards covered:
Items Due Today: None.
Due Next Class (see images below post, if needed):
Future Due Dates:
Today's Bellringer: none today What we did today: Continued annotating and analyzing "The Marks of the Wise Man, of the Half Wise, and of the Fool", by Rumi. Took a walking trip to illustrate the "wise...half wise...the fool". Focus on diction, literary devices, characterization. Skills: Annotation and literary analysis. ELA Common Core Standards covered:
Items Due Today: ROUGH Draft of Storytelling Essay, submitted through Edmodo. See rubric at end of this post. Due Next Class:
Future Due Dates:
Today's Bellringer: none today What we did today: Students worked on rough drafts of storytelling essay (see post from 09/13/16). Skills: Writing to Inform. ELA Common Core Standards covered:
katherine.lowther@clark. Archives
August 2017
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