Mission and Purpose
The goal of the GRCHS Fine Arts Cohort is to offer students a high-quality arts education to students passionate about the arts, regardless of background or previous experience. We seek to allow students to interact and communicate in ways that are possible only through communal creative experiences.
The Fine Arts Cohort program will engender a love for the arts, an appreciation of various talents and abilities, and an understanding of the creative and performing arts through rigorous and varied instruction throughout a student's high school career. Cohort OverviewDIRECT LINK: Student Application, Audition Requirements, AND Teacher Recommendation Forms
Overview: Students will audition for entry into the Fine Arts Cohort, usually at the end of their 8th grade year, though current high school students are also encouraged to apply. Once accepted, students will focus their study on their chosen arts discipline throughout high school. Students completing the program and successfully completing the benchmark performance requirements will receive a unique cord to be worn during graduation. Students will receive an in-depth, project-based arts instruction. Students in the program will dramatically increase their personal abilities in their arts own disciplines and will learn how to work with students across the other arts areas, through collaborative community performances and exhibitions. Other Commitments