The following information is quoted and adapted from an email sent to Ms. Lowther.
"The producers of the musical Hamilton have authorized a free sing-along program for groups of fans everywhere to come together publicly and celebrate the musical! You...are invited to join us for the brand new Hamiltunes LEX, the authorized Hamiltunes program in Lexington, KY. There are only about ten Hamiltunes programs in the country at this time, so this is a very exciting addition to the Lexington Arts community. Our twice monthly sing-a-long events feature YOU on stage singing and rapping your heart out! You can even sign up to sing your favorite song as your favorite character from the musical. (Check the Hamiltunes LEX Facebook page to sign up to sing a particular song!) Come in costume! Bring your friends & family too! And it's free!! Our very first Hamiltunes LEX gathering is next Friday, September 1 from 6:30-8pm at Willis Music (130 West Tiverton Way) in their recital hall! Future events will be on Tuesday, September 19, and will continue on the First Friday & Third Tuesday of each month! The founder of Hamiltunes LEX, Chris Teesdale, recently appeared on WTVQ-36 to promote the upcoming sing-a-long event on September 1. Here is a link to the video from this newscast. Please note that we have also planned a kid-friendly (language) version of Hamiltunes LEX once a month, beginning on October 7 @ 3pm." The following is quoted directly from the Leeds Center for the Arts website.
LEEDS CENTER FOR THE ARTS AUDITION APPLICATION Ages 8 through High School. Everyone auditioning must fill out this form. Ages 13 and up: Friday September 8th from 6-9 PM. Please choose a time slot on the audition form, and prepare a 16 bar cut of a song in the style of the show. An accompanist will be provided, so please bring sheet music. If you need help finding sheet music, is a great resource. There will also be a short dance call, so please dress comfortably for movement. If you cannot make it on this date, please email [email protected] for an alternative time slot. Ages 8-12: Saturday September 9th at 1 PM. Please arrive promptly at 1 PM. Auditions will consist of group singing and movement. Callbacks will be held Sunday September 10th at 3 PM. Show Dates: November 10-12 and 17-19. Rehearsal times will be announced shortly. This show will be directed by Mary Kate Knight, with musical direction by Nicholas Breiner and choreography by Ellie Miller. The following is quoted directly from an email sent to Ms. Lowther, and the LCT website:
Opportunity 1: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Audition Fun for the Whole Family! Bring your mom, your brother, your grandma, your friend! This show is looking for performers of all ages! When to Join the Fun: Sunday, September 10 from 1-3pm or 4-6pm Monday, September 11 from 7-9pm Tuesday, September 12 from 7-9pm *Auditionees must attend the entire 2 hour block. Which Family Members can Audition? Adults and young people ages 9 and up are eligible to audition! *All performers must turn 9 prior to September 15, 2017 to be eligible to audition. How to Get Started: Auditions are by appointment only. To schedule your audition, email [email protected]. Questions? Be sure to read the Audition Specifics HERE! Questions beyond that? Give us a call at 859-254-4546 ext. 228! Opportunity 2: LCT Company Auditions! Our companies were created for students who are passionate about theatre and are looking for a creative outlet. During weekly meetings, company members focus on developing theatrical skills and evolving their craft. Starlight Singers is an elite musical theatre ensemble for those interested in performing contemporary and classic musical theatre numbers. Company B Who: Grades 9-12 When: Sept. 7 from 4:30 - 8:00 PM Sept. 8 from 4:30 - 8:00 PM Sept. 9 from 1:00 - 6:00 PM How: Call ext. 316 for more information or to sign up for a half hour audition time. *Company B auditionees should prepare two contrasting monologues. Jr. Company Who: Grades 6-8 When: Sept. 7 from 4:30 - 8:00 PM Sept. 8 from 4:30 - 8:00 PM Sept. 9 from 1:00 - 6:00 PM How: Call ext. 316 for more information or to sign up for a half hour audition time. *Jr. Company auditionees should prepare a one minute monologue. Starlight Singers Who: Grades 9-12 When: Sept. 8th, 2017 from 6:30 - 9:00 PM Callbacks Sept. 11th, 2017 from 6-9:30 PM How: Call ext. 316 for more information or to sign up for a half hour audition time. *Starlight Singer auditionees should prepare one musical song. Please bring the sheet music to the audition as an accompanist is provided. |