International Thespian Honor Society will have an organizational meeting during Advisory Club Day, 11/29 in Room 123.
Application and eligibility requirements are on Lowther's wall outside Room 123. Text @ITSGRC to 81010 to stay updated. Actors, stage & tech crew, pit orchestra, and others with a love of theatre are encouraged to apply! Shearer Elementary: Holiday "character / musicians / performers" needed for Santa's breakfast at Shearer to benefit Shearer Musical Theatre. In years past Elsa, Jack Frost, a snow queen, elves, have appeared! Open to all sorts of performance types with a holiday flair....
Date and Time: Saturday 12/1; Event from 8-12 with the following shifts (note start and end times)
Email Shawna Mitchell to help out. Leeds Center for the Arts
Ushers needed for the following shows. Use links to sign-up for a volunteer slot: